Pa hyd fy Arglwydd Dduw dilyth

1,(2),3;  1,4,3;  1,4,5.
(SALM 13 - Gweddi a mawl am gymhorth Duw)
Pa hŷd, fy Arglwydd Dduw dilyth,
  Ai byth yr wyf mewn anghof?
Pa guddio'r wyt, O Dduw, pa hyd,
  Dy lân wynebpryd rhagof?

Pa hŷd y rhêd meddyliau tro,
  Bob awr i flino 'nghalon?
Pa hŷd y câf ddïodde' cûr,
  Tra codir fy nghaseion?

O Arglwydd! edrych arnaf fi,
  A chlyw fy ngweddi'r awrhon;
Agor fy llygaid rhag eu cau
  Yn nghysgfa angeu digllon.

Pe llithrwn ddim,
    rhag maint yw'r llid,
  Fe dd'wedid fy ngorchfygu:
A llawen fyddai fy holl gas;
  Dal fi o'th ras i fynu.

Minnau'n dy nawdd a rois fy ffydd,

  A'm holl lawenydd eithaf:

Canaf i'm Duw a'm helpiodd i,

  Gwnaf gerddi i'r Goruchaf.
Minnau'n :: Mi yn
rhag maint :: gan faint
am helpiodd i :: fy nghymhorth i

Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Arenig (Breigel 1687-?)
Bangor (William Tans'ur 1706-83)
  Gwalia (<1878 hen alaw)
Saxony (alaw henafol)

gwelir: Galw 'rwyf arnat am dy fod

(PSALM 13 - Prayer and praise for God's help)
How long, my unfailing Lord God,
  Will I be forever forgotten?
Why art thou hiding, O God, so long,
  Thy holy face from me?

How long shall my turning thoughts run,
  Every hour to grieve my heart?
How long shall I get to suffer a blow,
  While those who hate me are raised?

O Lord, look upon me,
  And hear my prayer now!
Open my eyes lest they close
  In the sleep of bitter death.

If I should slip at all,
    how great is the anger,
  It would be said I was defeated:
And joyful would be all my foe;
  Hold me up by thy grace.

But I, in thy protection I put my faith,

  And all my utmost joy:

I will sing to my God who helped me,

  I will make music to the Most High.
who helped me :: my help

tr. 2009,17 Richard B Gillion

1 How long wilt thou forget me, Lord? 
    must I for ever mourn?
  How long wilt thou withdraw from me, 
    Oh! never to return?

2 How long shall anxious thoughts my soul, 
    and grief my heart oppress?
  How long my enemies insult,
    and I have no redress?

3 O hear! and to my longing eyes
    restore thy wonted light!
  And suddenly, or I shall sleep
    in everlasting night.

4 Restore me, lest they proudly boast,
    'twas their own strength o'ercame,
  Permit not them that vex my soul
    to triumph in my shame.

5 Since I have always placed my trust
    beneath thy mercy's wing,
  Thy saving health will come, and then
    my heart with joy shall spring:

6 Then shall my song, with praise inspired, 
    to thee, my God, ascend;
   Who to thy servant in distress
    such bounty didst extend.

N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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